Small group mentoring

Small group mentorship is ideal for practitioners who are seeking the support of both other practitioners (at a similar level of experience and training) as well as a senior practitioner.

In small group mentorship, 5 participants plus the facilitator meet together periodically in order to discuss challenging clients, practice issues, and offer support in developing a successful practice. Participants are matched according to experience and training. The facilitators have been trained in small group facilitation skills, CST mentorship skills, and are experienced in both the structure and process of becoming an advanced practitioner of manual therapy.

Meetings are for minimum 1.5 hours at regular intervals (1-2 meetings per month). The general format of the meetings are flexible based on the needs of the participants, but often include discussion around challenging client cases as well as discussion of issues of a clinical or ethical nature. The commitment for participants is for 6 meetings. At the conclusion of the sixth meeting, the group will officially have a closure and then might renegotiate to continue or not depending on the desires of the participants.

The advantages of small group mentorship are numerous:

  • Build collaboration among colleagues
  • Deep and personalized attention (5 participants + instructor)
  • Receive feedback from multiple sources
  • Affordable (€ 180 for all six sessions)
  • Possible in virtual


To sign up for a small mentorship group, please complete the following form. A confirmation email will be sent to you in a couple of days acknowledging receipt of your form. In the confirmation email, you will also be notified of how many other practitioners in your level of experience have signed up thus far.


    Your name (required)

    Your email (required)


    Signing up for a small group mentoring

    Your phone (required)

    Your town (required)

    Your postcode (required)

    Your actual level (required)

    What goals you want to reach by participating a small group mentoring?

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